Aubrey, age eight, was quiet, shy and reserved. As the youngest of several siblings, she often had trouble having an outlet for herself, and she decided that it was time to try something different. After a short discussion with her mother, they decided an afternoon art class at the Newberry Arts Center was the way to go. “Even though she was never a fan of her art classes in school, she jumped at the opportunity for a change of scenery,” said her mom, Yolonda.
Aubrey made a true connection with the arts program when she learned that they would be using nature as the theme with paper as the medium for their projects. Art wasn’t always on Aubrey’s radar, but the outdoors was, and this was a match made in heaven.
The afternoon art classes at NAC allowed normally quiet Aubrey to find her voice and an outlet to express herself. The paper mâché roses that Aubrey created have continued to serve as a reminder of the amazing time she had and the new friendships she created at NAC.
With your support, we can cultivate new friendships and opportunities for members of our community to find their voices in 2024 and beyond.